About Kate

Why I'm running for re-election

I'm committed to contributing to the wellbeing of Vermonters in a second term. I grew up in a middle-class family that at times struggled to make ends meet and know how hard that can be for families. When I talk with voters, what I hear is worry about costs, public safety, and our environment. 

Working in mission-driven organizations and education for over 20 years, I've seen how government intersects with services and the public, and the impact that policy changes, both big and small, have on how well we are meeting the needs of Vermonters.  In leading a nonprofit for over sixteen years, being an educator and college instructor, a mom, a justice of the peace, a past president and current member of the Rotary Club of South Burlington, I've developed strengths in building systems and processes that allow organizations to make progress so they can serve people better. Serving people better now means a better chance for future generations' to build on their hard work. I believe I can use my strengths in my role as a legislator and we can work together to make government more responsive, more reflective of Vermont’s needs and resources, and more accountable to its commitments.  

If I'm re-elected, I look forward to representing the residents of South Burlington, Chittenden-10, in Montpelier again.

My story

I grew up in Yarmouth, Cape Cod, Massachusetts and in a family that taught me how important hard work and civic engagement are. My parents gave me a start serving others from a young age, and I often say that I “grew up stuffing envelopes.” Many summers I’d be dropped off at campaign offices, temporary installments in the back rooms of insurance companies or underused commercial spaces. There, big lawn signs would be stacked up along the walls, donuts, crumbs, napkins, and coffee on a side table, a messy microwave, and boxes of letters and campaign materials in organized piles on tables where volunteers would be addressing envelopes by hand. I was usually one of the youngest people in the room and recognized for taking time out of my teenage schedule to do unpaid work to elect our state representative. That positive reinforcement let me know that I was doing something important, and showed me what campaigning was really about—community members coming together for a cause or a candidate they believe in, pitching in, and having faith that that hard work would be worth it—without knowing whether or not we were going to win.

I saw the magic of the democratic process in front of my eyes at a young age, and I have never lost the excitement since. Sometimes I get discouraged like everyone else. But then I remember that this is about everyone being able to play a part, not more or less than anyone else, all contributing to our collective futures. The world we create is stronger and more resilient the more perspectives we include and compromise, which to me is another word for shared power, reflects redemption and forgiveness and courage and risk-taking. The belief that each of can make a difference seems uniquely American and a foundation upon which we can rely as we approach our toughest challenges. 

I believe in this country and I believe in Vermonters and in my community to tackle big things and make big progress. I feel a responsibility to do everything I can to leave the earth and the people here as safe and healthy as possible. 

   Paid for by Kate Nugent for South Burlington | 18 Barrett Street, South Burlington, VT 05403 | 802-391-4095